Willis Carto archive

Including information about his associates

What Others Have Said about Willis Carto

FEC vs. Populist Party, Willis Carto (DC), Blayne Hutzel, Liberty Lobby, Cordite Fidelity, The Spotlight, Willis Carto (CA)

40271. FEC. Compliance: MURs Released to the Public: MUR 2128/2190/2210/2211, in Record-Federal Election Commission, October 1990. p. 12. [93H-39164] [19901001]

Respondents: a) Populist Party, Willis Carto (DC); b) Blayne E. Hutzel (MD); c) Liberty Lobby, Inc. (DC); d) Cordite Fidelity Service Inc. (DC); e) The Spotlight (DC); f) Willis Carto (CA).

Complainant: FEC initiated (2211/2128/2190); Populist Party of the US (2210).

Subject: Failure to report on time; failure to amend Statement of Organization on time; failure to disclose name of treasurer; failure to designate and disclose campaign depositories; knowingly making and accepting corporate contributions; failure to report or adequately itemize contributions, expenditures and debts.

Disposition: a) - f) US District Court Consent Order: $20,000 civil penalty.

Source: Lobbies, PACs, Foreign Agents and Campaigns Database
Volume LP8990-Version 2.01-March 1997
Copyright 1997 Reference Corporation
Post Office Box 45610, Seattle, WA 98145 USA