Including information about his associates
What Others Have Said about Willis Carto
This page is from The Real News [Now known as American Review]
Willis Carto has been called a shadowy figure
who is largely responsible for the preservation of anti-Semitism as a movement,
according to the Center for Democratic Renewal (CDR), formerly known as the National Anti-Klan Network. The CDR’s publication When Hate Groups Come to Town
(1992), briefly discusses Carto and some of his web of organizations which are used to disseminate anti-Semitism and racism. Carto has most recently received notoriety in the May 15, 1994 Los Angeles Times for his fisticuffs in an attempted take-over of the offices of the Institute for Historical Reviw (IHR), the leading Holocaust-denial organization in the world.
Carto’s activities have not been without personal gain. Though he tries to keep a low-key profile, the Carto life-style can be described as palatial. He resides in a mansion in Torrance, California, living off of his ability to shrewdly manipulate the ignorant and the gullible among us. Many who fall for his rabid hate-mongering may not even be aware that they are falling for the same lies Hitler told, which directly led to German nationalistic war-making, as well as The Final Solution.
Whether Carto believes his own propaganda is a question I can’t answer. There is a lifelong pattern which suggests that Willis Carto exhibits the classic True Believer
syndrome described by Eric Hoffer.
This page is from The Real News
Webmaster’s note: On February 9, 2000, we received an e-mail message from Jane Wardlow Prettyman, editor of American Review, demanding that this article, which previously had been reproduced in full, be removed from the LSF site immediately.
There are so many errors in this article that this issue is not worth fighting over, so the article has been cut down to less than 500 words (to comply with fair use
guidelines), and a link added to American Review.