Including information about his associates
More Lies from American Free Press — November 11, 2001\Where_s_My_Subscription_Money_\where_s_my_subscription_money_.php
Many of you may be asking: What ever happened to my unrefunded Spotlight subscription money?
Here’s the whole story.
Many of you have inquired as to whether Amer i can Free Press (AFP) can roll over
your former Spotlight subscription and enroll you as a subscriber to AFP. Unfortunately, this is LEGALLY impossible.
First of all, please be advised that AFP is not a continuation
or successor
or revival
of The Spotlight or simply The Spotlight operating under a new name.
Although AFP is owned and published by the former loyal employees of Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight, AFP is an entirely separate entity: legally and financially. We do, however, follow the same populist philosophy.
As much as the former Spotlight staffers would like to be able to honor your Spotlight subscription, the sad fact is that federal Judge S. Martin Teel of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Washington, D.C. ordered all Spotlight and Liberty Lobby money frozen. He was essentially affirming improper rulings by California State Superior Court Judge Runston G. Maino.
This means that the money (including the money owed on the balance of your Spotlight subscription) simply cannot be touched.
If any of the staff of AFP were to make an attempt to refund the amount you lost on your Spotlight subscription money, they could (and most likely would) be charged with contempt of court and jailed. In addition, the judges and the criminals who destroyed The Spotlight would claim that AFP is an arm
of The Spotlight and not an independent entity and then seize our independent newspaper and shut us down just like these crooks did with The Spotlight. (And we use the term crooks
to refer to these judges, too!)
For the present, please also note that the final resolution of Liberty Lobby’s legal problems has not yet come about. The case remains in the courts with the judges taking action only at their leisure.
We are as angry as you must be that so many longtime Spotlight subscribers have had their unexpired subscription money literally stolen by two political judges.
Many former subscribers are joining a class action lawsuit to recover their lost subscription money. Longtime Spotlight subscriber Jim Floyd is acting as chairman of the group that has been set up to spearhead the lawsuit. The group is Civil Litigation to Address Stolen Spotlight Subscriptions
for short). If you wish to join the effort, you may write: CLASSS, Jim Floyd, Chairman, 185 County Road #254, Cullman, Alabama 35057 or email Floyd at