Willis Carto archive

Including information about his associates

Carto’s Kooky Church Connections

From: George88 <george88@home.com
To: Ingrid Rimland <irimland@zundelsite.org
Subject: Re: ZGram - 6/26/2001 - ‘Culture War’ Profile: Subverting the Disney Legacy
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 12:41:27 -0700

Ingrid, it was like this,

After the take over of the IHR from Carto it was suspicious from day one that Marcellus and Raven were self-described Church of Scientology Members. (COS)

By chance I have developed and cultivated a business relationship with the Hollywood, CA COS location.

I have been at their well protected underground offices on several occasions (not open to the public or most of their members) and had casual relationships with several of their full time employed members there.

At one point in time they were talking about a main event for the top leadership and I was permitted to attend for a donation. It was a Dinner Party at the Biltmore Hotel, LA. I did write a report about the event at the time so I should be able to dig up the exact date. It must have been 1998 or 1999. I will also have the original invitation card. The banquet was organized for about 400 to 600 people, top leaders from all over the globe were there. There were large tables for 16 people/ea. Raven was sitting to the second table from me. It came back to me later that he has complained about me being present there to those who have invited me. After the dinner and the speeches many of us went to the bar, Raven came also but has refused to talk to me.

After the event I did send a detailed written report to Carto and The Spotlight.

I am telling you Ingrid: One has to be mentally on the weak side to believe that these people are into this for the same reason we are. It is a fact also the COS has stopped all nonconformist activities, after they have received preferred tax status from the federal government, Carto says the same day when the critical mail item was sent by Weber and Marcellus to take over the IHR …

The basic fact remains: Carto was and is our best producer. Had there been a general closing of the ranks around him, to protect him, we would be all lot stronger and a lot better off today. This act did exactly what it was designed to do: It has sabotaged the revisionist movement, slowed the rate of our publications.


George Kadar


As with other so-called eye-witness accounts by friends of Carto to nefarious behavior on the part of IHR staff members, this account seems to be totally invented, with the exception that identifiable names have been used. Here are the facts:

  1. Carto’s suspicions about my alleged CoS ties have been answered under oath by both Marcellus and myself in the negative. There is an article about this on the Carto info site.
  2. I find it interesting that Kadar was so chummy with the CoS people — even to the point of donating to the cause — but I suppose that’s another matter. (Carto is also chummy with a seriously deranged ex-CoS member by the name of Reinhold Summerstedt.) Whenever Kadar attends a court hearing or IHR function, he takes numerous photos. Too bad he took no photos at his big dinner with the CoS big-wigs.
  3. I have never, ever been to the Biltmore Hotel in LA or any other city.
  4. I have never, ever been invited to go to the Biltmore Hotel in LA or any other city.
  5. I have never, ever been to any banquet that was in any way connected to the CoS.
  6. I have never, ever been invited to any banquet that was in any way connected to the CoS.
  7. I don’t believe I have ever been in the same room with George Kadar at any time other than (possibly) the 1992 IHR Conference, which was held just after I joined IHR, or, possibly, at one or two court hearings involving Carto and LSF/IHR, which Kadar has attended as a Carto supporter.
  8. I have never, ever been in a bar with George Kadar, if for no other reason than I simply don’t go to bars.
  9. It is absolutely true that Carto is not in this for the same reason you and I are. When we pointed this out to Carto, he attempted to sue us out of existence: he wants to keep the money he took, and we want the money to help the cause.
  10. The coincidence of dates is a ridiculous issue to bring up. Carto’s relationship with LSF/IHR was severed on September 24 at a board meeting, and then affirmed at another board meeting the next day, Sept 25. The letter to him went out as quickly as we could get it out, after we all agreed on the text.
  11. Carto is not the best producer of anything but turmoil, but he certainly is the best consumer — of patriot money. Liberty Lobby has brought in millions over the years that are not accounted for. The funds were not used to publish The Spotlight, they were not used for lobbying, and as far as anyone can tell, they were not used for any valid purpose whatsoever.

What type of person would make a totally false series of statements, as Kadar has? Yet, Carto seems to attract these denisons of the fever swamps, and thrive on their lies.