Including information about his associates
More lies from Willis Carto
Incredible but true, The SPOTLIGHT, the tabloid weekly that promises to tell you who secretly controls the world, doesn’t even tell you who secretly controls The SPOTLIGHT.
In recent years, The SPOTLIGHT has devolved from whatever role it once played in American politics, sinking to little more than a forum for Carto to attack the LSF/IHR. If you think we’re exaggerating, check out this list of articles from The SPOTLIGHT.
Here is some news you might have missed:
good newsto readers of The SPOTLIGHT (2/6/2001)
errors(6/16/94 — long)
Here is some news
The SPOTLIGHT published, and still stands by:
good news(2/2/2001) New!
Declarationof Jim Floyd falsely attacking an attorney for the LSF (10/5/98)
Testimonyof Dwight McMahon attacking Fritz Berg, among others (10/29/96)
Declarationattacking Tom Marcellus (7/28/95)